Virtual Festival

How does the NEW Eventive Streaming Platform work?
Click here for answers to system requirements, how do I watch on my TV, Amazon Fire Stick, Roku, computer, etc...

Do I have a Florida IP address?

About the Festival

Is the Festival is 501(c)3?
Yes, we are. You can download our IRS 501(c)(3) determination letter here.

Is the Festival Sales Tax Exempt?
Yes, we are. You can download our tax-exempt certificate here.

Do you play the same films in Miami and Fort Lauderdale?
No, each edition is unique with only a handful of overlap.

How can I volunteer, and what can I volunteer for?
There are many ways you can help out the Festival, you can learn more and volunteer here: http://outshinefilm.com/volunteer

Who selects the films in the Festival?
There is a multi-tier process of how films are selected for the Festival, but it starts with persons like you. We have a screening committee made up of people like you who watch, rate, and vote on the submitted films. If you wish to become a member of the screening committee, please e-mail spc@outshinefilm.com and let us know.


Is my membership good for both Miami and Fort Lauderdale?
Yes, your membership is good for a full year and does include both editions.

What are the benefits of membership?
Too many to list here. But you can look here: http://outshinefilm.com/member-benefits for all your answers.

Are there payment plans for Producers Circle Membership?
Yes, there are.

Is my membership tax deductible?
Depending on your membership level, a portion of your membership is tax deductible. In January the Festival mails out tax-deduction letters for your tax return.


Do you only show movies?
No, we have a number of great events and panels during each edition, as well as events throughout the year.

Where do I purchase tickets?
1. You can get them here at the website when you click on the "PROGRAM" tab, then films, then the "Get Tickets" Button. (24/7)

2. You can purchase at our venue box-office. (1 hr before the first showtime of the day until 30 mins past the last screening of the day.)

Are there physical tickets?
1. If you order the tickets on-line, then you will receive an e-mail with your tickets as a .pdf attachment you can either a.) print and bring with you, or b.) have scanned from your smart phone.

2. If you order the tickets by phone, then the same process as above.

3. If you purchase your tickets at the venue box-office, then you will receive a ticket there.

What's a RUSH Line? And how does it work?
When a film is sold-out, Festival staff will create a RUSH Line for patrons who do not have tickets. Unclaimed and unused tickets for the screening will be released at showtime for persons in the RUSH Line in a first-come first-served basis. Tickets will be sold at a flat $15 rate for regular screening and $25 for special event screening--CASH only.
